Thank you for making the modification! I finally got a chance to try out the new script. It appeared to have worked in Rhino. The box wireframes were black in the viewport, but showed individual color in shaded mode. I merged and exported as FBX in default settings.
However, the FBX, upon import into Max, showed no vertex colors. I tried both binary and ASCII, and even a 3rd party PLY importer.
What did the trick was another Python script, found on this forum. I had to run it to fix the colors before they could be brought out.
Below is the first successful test, rendered from 3DS Max.
I have attached the colorfix script to aid anyone searching to do this in the future. (235 Bytes)
Also, here is a modification of the cube substitution script, making the per-cube vertex count as small as possible. (1.4 KB)
Thanks again for your aid. (I’m trying to do something kind of unorthodox for my project, so every step taken seems like an uphill battle.)