Contour cuts not distributed correctly in grid

I do followed a YT tutorial on how to create some laser-cuts contour and flaten down the pieces into a sheet but I do encounter some difficulties with the final part that it is the distribution of the parts into coresponding squares. More precisely, looks like this slices are not distributed into the middle cells of the grid and instead some of them are stacked together into the same cell. How to fix this issue?

P.S. Looks like the Contour component it is creating a duplicate contour for each element. (148.2 KB)

I dont have your plugin installed but it works.

Yes. I just discovered a bug into the Contour component. I was using the latest Rhino8WIP to create this definition and there, for some reason, it is creating a duplicate of every contour.

I loaded the same definition in Rhino7 and it is working corectly without any duplicates.

Grasshopper in Rhino7:

Grasshopper in Rhino8WIP:

it’s weird and also interesting because in my Rhino Version 7 SR22
(7.22.22241.7001, 2022-08-29) the Contour component still generates double contours (bug?)

I also have Rhino8 WIP installed on the same machine

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On my machine, Rhino7 SR15 (7.15.22039.13001, 2022-02-08) it is working corectly but the Rhino8WIP (8.0.22242.305, 2022-08-30) it is producing this weird duplication problem. I think it is a bug introduced along the road between this two versions.

What version of Rhino do you use?