Construction & Robotics Master @ RWTH Aachen University

To lay the groundwork for its long-term vision of the construction site of the future, the Chair for Individualized Production at the Faculty of Architecture at RWTH Aachen University announces a new English-language Master’s programme in Construction Robotics (starting in April 2020). This programme will shape students in the innovative topics of digitalization and automation in the construction industry.

The main objective of the programme is the development and use of automated construction machinery and robotics as the basis for innovative construction processes on construction sites. The graduates will be the trailblazers and innovation scouts for our society to invent new design and work environments for the design and construction of quality-driven, low-cost housing, waste and emission reduced low CO2 construction sites. They will be able to develop new methods to build and inspect buildings and infrastructure, work out concepts for a circular economy in the building sector, create minimal invasive construction scenarios for inner cities, and develop new materials and sustainable construction technologies for buildings and infrastructure.

The Master’s programme will combine physical prototyping of machinery and processes with virtual commissioning of construction sites and machinery in virtual simulation environments.

By combining the knowledge and expertise of different scientific fields, such as mechanical engineering, computer science, civil engineering and architecture, will we be able to comprehensively create a new digital construction environment and transform the means of constructing buildings. Therefore, the Chair of Individualized Production invites Bachelor’s graduates from all these academic backgrounds to come together in Aachen for a highly interdisciplinary study programme in the field of Construction Robotics.

Get a feeling for the spirit of the new CR Master’s programme by watching this video!

Posted Dec 20, 2019 by Carlos Perez on Rhino News, etc.