Connection problem between shell and beam element

Hi Clemens,

Sorry for the late reply on this topic. Initially I thought I might not need to transfer load from surface to beam, and it turns out I do need this.

I looked into the “mesh brep” you mentioned before, but I do not know how to accurately set the shell mesh to match the beam mesh. I see that in “mesh brep” we can set the element size, but we cannot set the exact number of seeds for a certain boundary line, right? In the “mesh surface” method, there are “U count” and “V count” that can be used to define the seeds on the boundary, but how shall we define the seeds on a beam? What’s more, even if we set the two numbers to be the same, and we have the shell and beam elements’s nodes matching on the boundary, will Karamba recognize them as the same point, or shall we manually define the duplicated points to be the same?
