Component requires separately passing values


I notice the edge surface has four separate ports for each curve. If my curves are in a list (I know they are in the right order), is there a convenient way besides using four List Items’? I did that in the file here Patch surface no work (miss corners of input curve)

Manually entering and connecting the numbers 1 2 3 4 (cannot shortcut with something like Series because it gives a list [1, 2, 3, 4], not 1 2 3 4 separately) one by one is not very convenient. Perhaps I’m missing out on some better components?

Many Thanks!

you can zoom-in in List Item and add outputs

it’s super helpful also in case you want the last item of a list (you can add i+n items but also i-n !!!)


Thanks so much inno! This is awesome!

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