Complex polysurface naked edges

I have no idea how to get it looking in the forum found something but don’t help , someone could help me?
Open Brep (1.0 MB)

Your code doesn’t make much sense to me, and the first ColOM (Collision One/Many) component is very slow (~20 secs.), but your polysurface is a “Closed Brep” that shows no naked edges when baked. So your question and thread title don’t make sense to me either?

thanks joseph :thinking: well I want get the yellow borders

You could intersect a plane with your polysurface. Try Brep|Plane component.

Those edges are not planar.

And though it appears SubD was used to make the shape, it’s a polysurface now, not a SubD.

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you are right is a polysurface from subd model

I see, it would be much easier if you had the surface that was used to trim it…

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I actually have it and you gave me an idea to try, thank you …

Did you try SubDEdges before converting it to a polysurface?

Later… I tried a bunch of different things including some SubD stuff I know nothing about. I managed to narrow down the problem, in a way, by isolating the lower ends of the shape into three branches of faces and edges, but it doesn’t help.

Open Brep (1.0 MB)

You can actually get away with it with some normal and area thresholds. It is not pretty but it works. You will not find a parametric solution to this…

Open Brep (1.0 MB)

Yes and I did think in something like this but at the end is easier get the edges from rhino

Is a cool solution I need to make a lot of booleans from intersections but at least I think in this case is easier extract the edge in rhino

Yup, should have started with that. It was a fun puzzle tho. If you are performing multiple booleans and always need the edges in a layer, grasshopper might be useful in that case. Ideally you could perform the boolean inside GH too.

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I was testing … brep/brep works perfect I started with just one piece bad mine, I still to check some facts to make booleans perfect, thank you so much.

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