COMException in rhino compute


I’m having a strange issue with rhino compute. It all worked fine last week but today I get error:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 'Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.'

This is run as a development build on Windows 10. Rhino versions are:

Rhino 7.5.21089.05001
Rhino 7.6.21110.13001

This occurs when solution compute.geometry is run from Visual Studio.

The server starts up but does not start listening:

Compute version is latest commit:

When searching the error it seems to occur when compute is run in a docker container but this is not the case for us. Rhino and grasshopper is running as intended.

Do you have any idea what could be the issue? @stevebaer @fraguada @will
Thank you!

This error often points to an issue with the Rhino installation or license. Can you run Rhino normally? Can you run compute.geometry.exe outside of VS?

Hello Will!

Thanks for you answer. We were running a trial license on the machine, but now I’ve updated to a full license and it works like a charm so that was the issue just like you said.


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