Combine specific branches into 1 branch



There are 2 lists;

List A contains lines, subdivided into branches {0} {1} … {13}

List B; contains branches, with items. The items refer to the list branches in list A.
so item: 0 (in list B) --> branch {0} list A
so item: 1 (in list B) --> branch {1} list A
so item: 2 (in list B) --> branch {2} list A
List A:


I would like to generate a new list C;

  1. With the same branch structure as list B
  2. But instead of the items, it contains the corresponding lines of list A

so list C would like like;
Lines present in list A in branch {0}
Lines present in list A in branch {1} + {2}
Lines present in list A in branch {3}
Lines present in list A in branch {4} + {5}

2020-10-05 Combine specific branches into 1 (17.7 KB)

any suggestions?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Like this?

2020-10-05 Combine specific branches into 1 (21.0 KB)

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Check this as well.

2020-10-05 Combine specific branches into 1 (24.4 KB)

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All of your threads look the same, is there a pattern here? Something common to all of them?