Combine multiple surfaces into one for flowalongsrf?

I have a form that is three main towers connected by several bridges and a base. I made this form by lofting each area separately because I could not loft it as a whole.
What I’d like to accomplish is running surfaces, polysurfaces, curves, or extrusions along the surface of the form. Originally, I tried flowalongsrf for each individual piece, but that did not work. Pull did not work either. I then used the outline of the elevation to create the pattern, and projected the pattern to create the 3d extrusions, but that was not as successful as I would like.
To create one surface, I’ve tried extractpt and extractwireframe to patch and networksrf, but neither or those worked. Mergesrf also did not work for me.
Is there a way I can combine these parts into one whole, or a way to more easily attach the pattern, either as curves, surfaces, or polysurfaces to the form?
Attached is the form, with the curves I used to loft it, and the result of projecting.

You will not be able to simplify this much because of the difference between the shape and the topology of NURBS surfaces.

This shape looks like a good candidate for SubD modeling in the V7 WIP.