I’ve not helped out recently on these forums so I’m not sure whether there is a more up to date version of this but if goggle “pathmapper” or click this link https://www.grasshopper3d.com/m/discussion?id=2985220%3ATopic%3A215842 it should take you to the old forum where I posted an image with explanations of the path mapper.
Hi Danny,
Thanks once again
There is only 1 thing which is still not fully functioning and think you would know
The are 2 lists:
List A: Represent the start coordinates of 3 line elements
List B; Represents the offset (delta) distance from the start coordinate.
Wanted result:
Geometry 1: {0;0} - Triangle:
start point; 40.8, 0, 5.3
2nd point; 40.8, 7,8, 5.3
3rd point; 38, 7.8, 5.3
Geometry 2: {0;1} - Triangle:
start point; 40.8, 0, 11.6
2nd point; 40.8, 7.8, 11.6
3rd point; 38, 7.8, 11.6
Geometry 3: {1;0} - Rectangle:
start point; 52.8, 0, 5.3
2nd point; 53.6, 0, 5.3
3rd point; 53.6, 4.2, 5.3
3rd point; 52.8, 4.2, 5.3
However, when I try to do this, the Addition commands adds the delta distance of the rectangle already to the start point of the second triangle. Resulting in 2 Rectangles and 1 triangle.
Triangle 1 = ok
Rectange --> should be triangle --> false
Rectangle 2 = ok
any one a suggestion? it can probably be done with a list manipulation, however i cant see it at the moment.
Thank you in advance.
2020-03-28 combine lists to 2 triangles and 1 rectangle.gh (9.4 KB)