I am trying to achieve a smooth color gradient along a curve between two points. The panel that I connected to the gradient slider shows that I did indeed achieve a gradient between white and black, but the custom preview is only showing the last parameter, which is black. I used the list item to ensure that the gradient was in fact working, and it is, but it seems like even though I am dividing the curve, when attached to the gradient component, each parameter reads as the entire curve length.
I tried using the Shatter Curve component as well to break the curve, which I saw in a previous post, but this did not work for me in the way I used it.
Any help with this seemingly simple problem would be awesome!
Ah, ok. I also just tried baking the gradient in that line using the Human plugin and it didn’t show up… I think probably doing what I want with it might be easiest in Illustrator then.
really nice @stevebaer! please the parameter stroke width could be as an input.
All fine on Windows but on MAC it doesn’t show width and this happens in GHGL as well, please consider to be fixed.
I want to show these 1 and 2 parameters red and the gradient according to these. I have these dots for all the colors but I don’t know how to arrange the graident for that.
Thanks for the example again! Hope you have a solution for that too!