Colliding rectangle curves

I’ve created a simulation of rectangular curves falling with collisions and being contained by a rigid curve. But I’m having an issue where they bounce right after the simulation starts. I think this is caused by the curves intersecting for a moment and then the simulation corrects itself.

I would also like to know if there’s a way to keep all the rectangles locked so they cannot rotate. (15.1 KB)

I think that happens because while the Interior variable of CurvePointCollide is set to False, those points are instantly pushed out of the object that is se to not contain them

moving the container in such a way it doesn’t initially intersect those shapes solves the issue:

but I wouldn’t know how to not make the rectangles rotate tho… maybe with an Angle goal between a random side of each box and a line on X/Y?

Using the grab component, the one rectangle which is inside the U-shaped boundary can be dragged upwards to get out of the boundary and then towards the middle.

The grab component can also be used to manipulate the positions of the rectangles.

I have no idea how to rotate some rectangles by 90° so they stay in a vertical position.

Reading your post again, I think you want to lock the initial orientation of the rectangles. This is done with the Support component and restricting rotation around ZZ by setting the input to true. (27.8 KB)

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