Clipping Plane Properties not showing details (objects clipped)

Hi, I’m trying to make a cutout section from a model and I normally make 2 make 2d’s for it and then merge them. But I found out that I can just edit the clipping plane to only clip certain objects. It seems quite simple but I can’t get the properties window to show objects clipped for some reason to select them. Is there an options panel that I need to activate to see it?

I’m working on a Windows with Rhino 7.


Here’s a more clear image. I closed and reopened a new file and made a clipping plane. Once I select it the properties open but I do not have the “objects clipped” option as I saw on a tutorial (in the second image)

Hi Ela - the extended clipping controls are in V8 of Rhino.


that’s unfortunate :confused: thanks you tho