Thanks @rajaa
I do use this command to export to dwg format. What I am after is the ability to finalize my whole drafting process in Rhino and export it in dwg format with all annotations, leaders, text and dimension objects as they are. I mean dimensions as dimensions, leaders as reusable leaders in dwg format.
I will attach a pdf file. I exported it from layout to pdf with a perspective view in Technical view style. Also from Display Mode settings, I unchecked “Show hidden lines” option. As we can see, some artifacts may occure in this view style, especially if I choose to create pdf in black and white. Some lines are not drawn while the others are drawn although they are obscured by surfaces.
I tried exporting to pdf and inserting back to AutoCAD via “Insert PDF” command. In that case, I can get this perspective view as a vectoral output but dimensions are turned into lines and text.
So why I wanted to do this? My clients want to see everything in dwg model space as a 2D technical drawing with all annotation elemnets as reusable objects. That’s why I chased after clipping drawings although it is not as easy as the layouts. First, all created layers are locked and I have only one chance to locate the section drawing. If I decide to move the drawing at a later time, I unlock all related layer, select hatches and lines and move to a certain point but if I manipulate the 3D model afterwards, section drawing updates but changes it location to the point where iti is located first. By the way, there is no history between dimensions and section drawings as you stated above. One more thing to mention for ClippingDrawing, if I add “Background”, it is reflected to the section, great for me. Layer system is also easy to manage but it does not work like “Make2D”, all lines are assigned to the clipping plane’s related layer. In a complex model, it is hard to distinguish which line belong to which model part. I know there is nothing to do with that so I’ll take it like that.
What is the limitation for me to use the layout?
- There is only the curves translated from 3D objects in model space when I save the file as DWG. It is not like Make2D or Section commands’ output, only edges of the 3D objects but all visible. Not solids or surfaces too.
- Although the “Technical” views property is set to not showing the hidden lines, after saving as DWG, 3D objects are translated to curves and layout is no longer shows visible lines only. Every viewport is wireframe.
- I thought there would be a work arround if I open dwg in AutoCAD and activate the exported layout from Rhino, right click and run “Export layout to model” command, some views gone forever and if O rbit, a bunch of scaled and not scaled lines floating in model space and eventually, all lines are visible again.
- If I print the layout and insert it into an AutoCAD file, all dimensions and annotations are exploded as lines and texts. Not reusable.
I think, I have to do the same things that I do for a long time. Make2D, sections (ClippingDrawings is much better in R8, great), export everything without layout and annotations, do the hard work in AutoCAD and if something changes and I need to revise,
Maybe I am missing a very important point that will cure all these problems at a glance, if so, I would be so glad to be aware of that.
I took your time, thanks in advance.
demo printout.pdf (73.0 KB)