Where can I change version of plugin in VS? When I change it in AssemblyInfo.cs like that:
I can see it in all dll’s:
But inside Rhino:
So how it’s done?
Best regards
Where can I change version of plugin in VS? When I change it in AssemblyInfo.cs like that:
I can see it in all dll’s:
But inside Rhino:
So how it’s done?
Best regards
I’m currently on a VS Mac and I’m not sure if it is the same on Windows, but try to set the version on the Solution Options under Project menu.
Probably it’s not the same on Windows, because I can’t find it
Maybe the Project menu > “NameOfTheProject” Properties. Then there is a button Assembly Version.
When I change Assembly version here it’ll change AssemblyInfo.cs
but Rhino still doesn’t know what the version is
@DavidRutten, can you help?
In my plugin I also have an Assembly called PufferfishInfo.cs apart from AssemblyInfo.cs which has version number.
it looks like this
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using Grasshopper.Kernel;
namespace Pufferfish
public class PufferfishInfo : GH_AssemblyInfo
public override string Name
return "Pufferfish";
public override Bitmap Icon
return Pufferfish.Properties.Resources.PfHelpIcon;
//return null;
public override string Description
//Return a short string describing the purpose of this GHA library.
return "Components for Tweens, Blends, Morphs, Averages, Interpolations, & Transformations - essentially Shape Changing.";
public override Guid Id
return new Guid("1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee88434");
public override string AuthorName
//Return a string identifying you or your company.
return "Michael Pryor";
public override string AuthorContact
//Return a string representing your preferred contact details.
return "youremail@gmail.com";
public override string Version
//Return a string representing the version.
return "";
Yes, that’s it!
You have to override string Version in YourOwnPluginNameInfo.cs, just like you did.
Thanks for help