Can't cap objects accurately

Hi Everyone,
So I’m currently trying to make an urban landscape model in rhino using grasshopper. I have been able to extrude and randomize the heights of the building from the curves i had in rhino but for some reason the objects are not capping properly. Please help, I need a solution urgently.

This has never happened before. I’ve checked if the curves are planar, and they are. I’ve also tried extruding one of the buildings manually on rhino and it worked but my problem is I can’t extrude the buildings in the same height, so I have to use grasshopper and anytime I try to make a surface from the curves then extrude instead on grasshopper, it crashes cause the file is too large, I guess. What can I add to the script to make the cap accurate?

Please post a Rhino file and your Grasshopper definition so someone can help you.

Hi Martin, I’m new here so idk how to upload the rhino file cause it says the zip file I compressed it into is too large when I try to upload it :confused:
what do I do?


My two cents you are working in georeferenced coordinates, a gazillion kilometers away from the origin ?

Thank you for replying :slight_smile:

I honestly have no idea if that’s the case. my state officials drew the map in AutoCAD and so I got the file with the map drawn out already. All I had to do was clean it up and create the massing.

How does it being far away from the origin affect the cap? and dyk how I can figure out if that’s the cause and is there a solution for it?

Tolerance / large numbers… read here: The pain with models far away from the origin - #4 by dalelear

You can extract a few 5 - 10 objects, move them closer to the origin and try again and if it doesn’t work upload a *.3dm file here.

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