Can this functionality be replicated in Rhino?


Jakob Normand
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@Demos Background: My wife’s an ICU nurse. I read your description of her profession out loud to her. She laughed. A lot. But not because you’re funny.

There was a simple question in the beginning: “Can this functionality be replicated in Rhino?

Then, the answer of that question quickly followed: “Yes, this is exactly what SubD tools do!”. Numerous people also posted examples with cars already made with the SubD tools and proved that it’s perfectly fine for this kind of quick conceptual work.
Many things in our life are so simple to understand, the only thing needed is to notice them in the first place.


@ Jakob Normand

Background: My wife’s an ICU nurse. I read your description of her profession out loud to her. She laughed. A lot. But not because you’re funny.

Apparently she has a greater sense of humor.

Seriously, go read the extensive scientific research known for decades on people’s tendency to blindly follow (all forms of) authority, an inherent, natural human weakness that most people have no clue about, and thus they easily become manipulated. You’ll get far wiser after that - you’re welcome.

Yes, for Rhino, SubD is best for conceptual design, but there is competition that in some cases is faster and more flexible. But like I wrote, Rhino can learn from the strengths of free software and even with a few simple modifications can become much better - the 80-20 rule.

You know shit about medical profession then.
Same as Jacob’s, my woman is a nurse. You wouldn’t believe how often she argues with doctors. It is a different job.
In Sweden, when you go to the doctor, you speak to the nurse first, and she decided whether you meet the doctor or not.

You know shit about medical profession then.

More likely you know shit about human weaknesses.

From the “Hofling Hospital Experiment”:
22 real nurses were told by a doctor to administer double the maximum allowed dosage to a patient without knowing they were participating in an experiment.

"If the nurse administers the drug, they will have broken three hospital rules:
1.They are not allowed to accept instructions over the phone.
2. The dose was double the maximum limit stated on the box.
3. The medicine itself as unauthorized, i.e. not on the ward stock list."

21 out of 22 (95%) nurses were easily influenced into carrying out the orders. They were not supposed to take instructions by phone, let alone exceed the allowed dose. When other nurses were asked
to discuss what they would do in a similar situation (i.e. a control group), 21 out of 22 said they would not comply with the order.

Hofling demonstrated that people are very unwilling to question supposed ‘authority’, even when they might have good reason to."


As this thread has gone completely off-topic and degenerated, I respectfully request it be closed.


it was fun until this nurse thing came up. your global attitude towards people geniuely makes me sad. I mean really sad.
You cannot make such strong conclusions based on a 4 page “scientific” research on 22 nurses. Don’t you understand this cannot be representative and is far from scientific? You are having a terrible image of people, excluding and distancing yourself from all the others. This is not the right way to make yourself better or interesting. You are naturally without these hainious claims.

I’ve read books with hundreds of such experiments including studies from real situations (not experiments) with far more shocking results than this, including cutting real people in two by train.
So, it’s not me judging people superficially. Reality is shocking - as is ignorance.

I understand, reality can absolutely be shocking and there are some disturbing cases.
but there’s also a brighter side of humanity. you just need to be able to focus on beautyful things as well, otherwise I am sure you’ll end up in depression and hate towards everything (like EVERY software, ALL nurses) and I’m sure that’s not where you wanna go.

good luck

There are many ways to approach this. I might start here for a simple car tutorial I. SubD: Getting started, Rhino for Windows - SubD car Layout - YouTube

There are some geometric limitations of SubD which is whyamy times SubD is limited to design models. All production bodies with rhino have gone to NURBs for refinement.

I think Kyle talks about when that transition to NURBs might take place: When to use SubD vs NURBS on Vimeo


Actually, I’m fond of nurses. The vast majority of nurses are “givers”, the better species of humans.

I agree that there is a brighter side of humanity (otherwise every effort would be vain), unlike most people I believe in humans but that’s another story, - you don’t know me.

@ Scott Davidson



Closing this, as it’s veering away from civility and helpfulness.