Can this be; 3d printed

Hello all,

I have an old electrical wall plate that had a hole for an old phone jack and I’d like to cover it up so I’ve drawn this as a potential replacement. Im wondering if anyone can tell me if this can be 3d printed?

RickShanes Wallplate.3dm (2.8 MB)

Hello - it is mighty thin it seems to me - half a milimeter… you might want to thicken it up just for a bit of strength - possibly put a boss under the mounting hole - I imagine it was originally metal, if this is a reproduction of an existing part?


Hi Paskal,

Thanks for your reply. I’ll give your suggestions a go. Yes, the original was metal.

Hello and yes. Considering using FDM technology, I’d print front face oriented downwards, so the surface will get nice look. Side overhangs could be printed even without supports. As Pascal suggests, reinforce the back and thicken it a bit where possible. Long printed like this can warp. I’d use PETG or ASA materials printed on textured sheet (like that one from Prusa). Good luck with your efforts :wink:

The support & slicing software used in the workflow of (stereolithography) resin 3D printers offer an option to host the supports on a raft. The raft size changes dynamically to the top-view silhouette of the printed object so often times it may take up the majority of the build platform. A support raft’s intent is to make removal of the final print from the build platform easy.

Your vanity plate, when turned face-side down (making first-contact with the build platform), would present and print very similar to the way a support raft would otherwise print.

Support raft deployed in Chitu Box for the Elegoo Mars:

Support raft deployed in PreForm for the Formlabs Form3:

I’d second Pascal’s suggestion of bossing up the underside for added structure.

If it weren’t for the chamfer-rolled edges and a uniform-flat shield plate was acceptable, it’d take less than 5 minutes to load an SVG shape into the laser cutter and end up with a vanity plate made of oak, cherry hardwood or acrylic.

Hi PetrVacek,

Thanks for this info. Im new to 3d printing and this really helps!

Thanks Carter,

Great info. The laser cutter looks like it offers some pretty cool options. Do you own one?


It’s a dramatic departure on what can come out of a Rhino3D workflow…




I would rather watercut or mill it out of metal. You might find a shop who can do that for you, most who can can read step files.
That will give a better finish than plastic 3D printing. Just a thought.

Thanks for the info. I know nothing about water cutting can you give me any more info?


Watercutting just uses water instead of lazer.
Just google it and see some videos on youtube :slight_smile: