Need to split this object at the spot the cutting plane is positioned, but I can not split it? Tried multiple ways, but can’t seem to figure out why it wont split. Thanks in advance for any help!
wontsplit.3dm (2.2 MB)
Need to split this object at the spot the cutting plane is positioned, but I can not split it? Tried multiple ways, but can’t seem to figure out why it wont split. Thanks in advance for any help!
wontsplit.3dm (2.2 MB)
Hi Andrew - at the bottom, on the inside of the U-shaped cut, there is a tiny sliver of surface that is .02 units wide - too close to the file tolerance (.01) You could tighten the tolerance to ,001 and it would probably work, but I’d clean up and get rid of the little face - make sure that vertical at the base of the U is all one flat face.
As always, THANK YOU Pascal! Can I ask how you were able to diagnose that? I tried using ALL of the diagnostic tools and none of them came up with any errors.
Hi Andrew- I stumbled on it, really- I noticed the curve of intersection was open there and when I went to extact the surfaces to see what was wrong, there was this extra one. I guess the ‘takeaway’ is that when trimming, splitting. Boolean operations fail, one of the first things to check is the curve(s) of intersection between the objects.