Calculating angles with a condition

Hi all,
I have a question about calculating angles.
I want to add a judgment expression. When the left side is the first Line and the right side is the 2nd line, the angle is a positive value +16.8 degrees. On the contrary, when the left side is the 2nd Line and the right side is the 1st line, The angle is negative -16.8 degrees.
Is there any way to solve this problem?


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The expression on Degrees output is: if(x > 180,x-360,x)

3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files

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What you can also do is use the cross product of the vectors to ensure the right-handedness of the angle measuring plane:

(Look at me learning about basic vector math and applying it in the same day)

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Thank you for your help. You solve my problem

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