Calculate the angle between adjacent line segments of a space mesh shell

I would like to ask for advice, I would like to calculate the angle of adjacent line segments of a space mesh shell, how do I do it? Is there any way to is to realize it?
A.3dm (118.4 KB)

If you’re willing to use Grasshopper, it has a native mesh Angular Dimensions component. I used Weaverbirds’ Mesh From Lines here to convert your lines to a mesh. If you need the dimensions as Rhino objects you can right-click the component and select Bake: (27.1 KB)

Thank you very much for your help, I tried it and it shows all the angles, but how do I extract the data from these angles? This battery doesn’t seem to have an output port.

Indeed it does not, but you can bake them to Rhino as I noted. If you need the data downstream you will probably have to script it yourself. Here’s some Python code that will get you to the face vertices, which you can then compute internal angles from using Vector3d.VectorAngle:

I applied your code on top of my geometry and can calculate each interior angle pretty well now. Thank you very much for all the help you have given me.

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