I am trying to create a ramp with c# component in gh.
Since i am pretty much new to programming I am not able to figure out how can i make interpolate/ nurbs curve with list of points Also I want to know how to loft the lines.
Attaching images and gh(c# script).
i want integrate interpolate and loft component in c# script itself.
Here is the script
// create variable to add to list
List<Point3d> pts1 = new List<Point3d>();
List<Point3d> pts2 = new List<Point3d>();
List<LineCurve> lines = new List<LineCurve>();
// for loop for spiral
for (double i = start; i < height; i += resolution)
Point3d sp1 = new Point3d(inr_radi * Math.Sin(i), inr_radi * Math.Cos(i), i * slope);
Point3d sp2 = new Point3d((-1) * outr_radi * Math.Cos(i), outr_radi * Math.Sin(i), i * slope);
// for loop for lines between points & intrpolate curve
for (int i = 0; i < pts1.Count; i++)
LineCurve li = new LineCurve(pts1[i], pts2[i]);
// draw interpolatecurve / nurbs curve for pts1 ?????
// draw interpolatecurve / nurbs curve for pts2 ?????
// for loop for interpolate lines
// how to loft using all loftLines?????
pt1 = pts1;
pt2 = pts2;
loftLines = lines;
01_spiral.gh (12.7 KB)