Hi @James_Richters , I haven’t had a chance to look at the material and baking code that @Joseph_Oster shared yet but I stumbled upon this Rhino Material python developer sample that could be helpful.
The line System.Drawing.Color.Burlywood opened my eyes as I I was under the impression this whole time that .color was just solid colors but realizing now that it accepts bitmaps as a color map it is much more clear to me.
The most promising approach I saw in this thread was a post from @Bernd_Möller suggesting the Rhino.FileIO namespace. I started to work with it in Python but am too much of a dilettante in both Python and the Rhino APIs to have fun at it, so I quit. One of his links went to this thread where @Baris was using it a year ago to “batch convert some files from R7 to R6”: