Bug with vertical dimensions?

I am trying to use the Define Linear Dimension component in Grasshopper from the Elefront plugin to create a vertical dimension, but not having any luck.

If the 2 points are perfectly vertical to each other, the dimension simply disappears. As soon as you move one of the points just a tiny bit out, the dimension appears.

What am I missing here?

Bonus: how can I define the plane in which the vertical dimension appears. The plane for the dimension itself needs to be left blank, but how can I define on what side the dimension comes out. I would like it to show in the YZ plane (currently it shows in the XZ plane).

Adding some offset:

vertical_dimension_bug.gh (20.9 KB)

Maybe, flipping the YZ plane will work. :slightly_smiling_face:
vertical_dimension_bug_re.gh (21.7 KB)

Thank you. It almost makes sense why it has to be like that. The fact that the dimension works without a plane input and creates an aligned dimension in all cases EXCEPT when you have a perfectly vertical line still is a bug in my opinion. I don’t see why it should need special treatment, when literally all other straight lines work without a plane input.

But thanks for the workaround!