comparing filletSrfToRail in the latest WIP-Update Mac and PC-Side
I used vmware to check the Windows side…
Isocurves are not displayed - so i got a strange behavoir regarding selection.
hoping this issue get solved
I know that VMWare is officially not supported - see system requirements.
I’m not going to test a vmware issue, but this behavior is also seen when you modify the default Wireframe display mode by turning off isocurves for flat faces, an option that was added in Rhino 8.
When you turn off isocurves for all surfaces, this behavior does not happen, and thus shouldn’t happen when using that new setting.
→ RH-75787 Selection: Surface gets selected when hidden isocurve is hit
looks like isocurves are just not shown.
but the invisible / un-displayed isocurves still influence the selection.
so the displaymode setting does its job regarding selection.
but not regarding displaying.
the result / behaviour is the same as reported in this topic:
you select something that is not visible: