Bug: Script Editor Autocomplete Woes

Hi @Alain and @eirannejad,

I’ve been testing the new script editor again with SR13 and noticed some issues with the autocomplete, exemplified in this video:

In GhPython, I type rc. and autocomplete kicks in, I type g and it suggests Geometry, I type .poi and then arrow down to Point3d and then type (, which automatically autocompletes. Hooray.

In the new script editor I type rc. and autocomplete kicks in, I type g and it suggests Geometry, I type . and autocomplete stops working, I backspace to y, type . and autocomplete kicks in again, I type poin and arrow down to Point3d and type (, but this DOES NOT automatically autocomplete the word, I therefore backspace again, start typing poin, arrow down to Point3d, press enter, then type (.

Where the latter is obviously quite a bit more convoluted than the former :face_with_spiral_eyes:



Autocomplete not working after typing a . is a bug with the python completion provider.

To insert the selected completion item you need to press the tab key instead of (. The latter used to work but was removed intentionally because it caused problems in some contexts. I created an issue to make this configurable: RH-84234


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Ahhh, that certainly helps.

Much appreciated, I would prefer not having to press tab/enter if at all possible. Thanks again.

That YouTrack appears to be private/broken, I’m getting the “Nope, can’t find it” error.

Hej Anders -

That should be open now - RH-84234 code editor control completion API

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RH-84233 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 14

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