Rhino 8 No auto-complete / hints in Grasshopper Python Editor in

Hi guys

Just installed RH8 and played around with it, but I am having a problem to get the auto-complete / hints after either Rhino.Geometry or rhinoscriptsyntax commands.
In RH6 and 7 it’s super convenient the hint showing automatically after a parenthese “(”. when editing the script while it doesn’t work on my laptop with RH8 in Grasshopper.

On the other hand, I got it in Rhino’s python editor without any issue. I attached 2 screen shots as reference and would be super grateful if anyone knows how to fix it!

ps. Really appreciate the editor now has dark mode and more comprehensive user interface, thanks McNeel team!

i get the same problem too.

Oh yes. I have a ticket to get this implemented so method signatures show up when opening (

RH-78115 Support hint/signature provider for python

Hi Ehsan,

I hope this reply finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our previous discussions regarding the autocomplete issue with Grasshopper Python Editor.

I’ve been tracking the progress on YouTrack, but as of today, I haven’t seen any updates on the reported issue. Additionally, I attempted to resolve the problem by updating Rhino 8 to version 8.2, but unfortunately, the autocomplete feature still doesn’t seem to be functioning in the Grasshopper Python Editor.

Considering this, I’m starting to wonder if there might be a configuration or settings-related aspect on my laptop that could be contributing to this problem. Could you provide any insights or suggestions on potential settings adjustments that might resolve the issue?

I appreciate your kind support and assistance in resolving this.

@YenFen.Chan Hello and sorry for the bugs that you are seeing.

Let’s start from the basics so we can narrow than where the problem is.

Do you see autocompletion in the main editor opened by ScriptEditor? Type in

import Rhino


and you should be able to see a popup. The same should work in Grasshopper python editor. Let me know if this doesn’t work in GH

Sorry for my late reply.
I do have autocompletion in both ScriptEdditor in Rhino and GH.

The issue is, the help on funtions doesn’t pop up after the parenthese “()” or “(”.

In Rhino 6&7 I have it in the red area:

But in Rhino 8 it doesn’t show up:

Signature help after typing ( is still not supported. I have that on my list. Soon :smiley:

RH-78115 Support hint/signature provider for python


thanks @eirannejad. hope you manage to get to it soon, its a daily struggle without it!


May I inquire about your Rhino version? I’m curious to know if the latest version has addressed the issue.

It’s not out there yet. I am working on a function signature autocompletion for 8.7


Thanks to @YenFen.Chan just mentioned this issue that I also faced. Hope @eirannejad can add this function on the new version!

I will. Coming soon. :smiley:

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  1. Is Rhino python still version 2.7 ? Is it planned to use cpython 3 like in grasshopper python editor ?
  2. Will both editors be merged someday ?


You need to keep up with the news… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The V8 ScriptEditor can run Py2, Py3 or C# scripts.

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I swear I try :wink:
I found the portal to “now”… My toolbar was referring to EditPythonScript command… Not ScriptEditor…
Thanks for the message from the future !