🐛bug - Layers drag to sort

Apologies if this is already reported. Appreciate the new features, all the work to support more complex drawing sets is lovely.

  1. Blank file
  2. Begin dragging a layer by it’s name as if to resort its position.
  3. Drop the layer into the gutter between its current position and the layer above it.
  4. The layer sometimes moves up one row (no expected change)

Bonus outcome: This seems to corrupt the layer selection behavior. Trying to shift-select two sequential layers results in 3 or more layers being selected (see video)


Hi @Alexander_Kaplan,

I’ve logged the issue - https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-76878

Thanks for reporting.

– Dale

RH-76878 is fixed in the latest WIP

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