Bug in plugins in R8?

Hi, I just updated TerrainMesh for both Rhino7 and Rhino8 and I see that in Rhino 8 after the update it showed the correct version in the packagemanager, but it started an earlier version when I called the command (and thus told me that it had expired). So I checked installed plugins and Rhino 8 showed that two versions of TerrainMesh was installed. (both named TerrainMesh)

So I opened packagemanager and uninstalled terrainmesh and restared Rhino.
And still one was installed. So I rightclicked it and chose “open Containing folder” and it opened this folder:


I have been on the beta for Rhino 8 and all the updates, so I might once have dragged that plugin in to Rhino 8, but I don’t think I have.

Should one be able to have to plugins named the same installed on Rhino 8? Is this a bug, or an issue that can have happened by installing with both yak (packagemanager) and manually at different occasions?

As you can see I have multiple versions of my plugin “installed” on the system:

So it was strange that Rhino 8 chose to
A: have two versions registered as installed at the same time and
B: choose to use the older version of these when the command TerrainMesh was called.

And I also find it strange that I can not uninstall plugins from the pluginmanager (not the packagemanager, there it works fine to uninstall)

I know I can delete the folder containing the plugin, but I didn’t want to do that just yet, since it is a v7 folder. So I blocked it in Rhino 8 and restarted.
Now when I type the command TerrainMesh it autocompletes still but I get this message:
Command: TerrainMesh
Blocking plug-in TerrainMesh.
Unknown command: TerrainMesh

So I ran packagemanager again and installed the latest version and restarted Rhino 8, but I get the same message, so I opened the pluginmanager and now both are disabled:

My workaround that I expected to work did:

1 I uninstalled the latest version via packagemanager and closed Rhino 8.
2 renamed the folder of the old plugin
3 restarted Rhino 8 and checked the plugins, none present
4 reinstalled the latest version from packagemanager
5 restarted Rhino 8 and now it works as expected.

Rhino does not allow for two plugins with the same id. Did you create two different versions of your plugin with different ids?

Hmm… I don’t think so, I think both came through yak, but I am not 100% sure, and now I have fixed the problem on the machine, but I will see if I can reinstall the old plugin alongside the new one. Nope, when I do that I get this error:

This is the one who’s folder I renamed to “old” to remove it from Rhino 8.
Here I tried to drag the rhp in.

Hi @stevebaer and @will,

it would be really useful if the _PackageManager is able to handle this situation in the future. If a user has a Package installed already and wants to update it, it should remove the existing installed version or at least notify and ask.

I had this situation last week where the client just dragged an update package on Rhino 8 and the result was that he had the toolbar (included in the package) opened 2 times. It was not possible to find out which version of the PlugIn gets actually loaded.

The guid of the PlugIn was not changed by me during build, only the version number which is unfortunately not shown in the _PackageManager Installed Tab under Windows when searching for my package name. Guid must stay anyway. Otherwise it will not be possible to find the Shared folder by PlugIn.Id which is required to find included help documents etc.
