[BUG] Extract Surface (SubD Face), Deletes/Hides Them

Got some odd subd behaviour. File here: problemNakedEdges.3dm (180.0 KB)

Extract Surface deletes thesefaces when I extract them. Trying it with random surfaces too, does a similar thing. It’s not an optimum subd object, but hence I am trying to go in and correct it.

In the case of Copy=Yes, nothing happens at all.

Already inspected the subd, no flaws detected. Might help to know, ExtractControlPolygon and then back ToSubD fixed it, but just posting since something is obviously amiss. Removing all craeses from the model also fixed it, so maybe there’s a bug with crease in here.

Hi Jonathan - I get this in the latest here -

That is what you expect, correct?


Hi Pascal, maybe it is the age of my Rhino then; 7.15.22021.17001.