Bug Boolean history?

I don´t know if I just don’t get it, but history in booleans does not seem to work for me…

Simple setup:

  1. 2 intersecting boxes
  2. click on “record history” (button is shaded)
  3. execute “boolean difference”
  4. select box A then box B (delete input=yes delete cutters=no), enter
  5. select and move box B → no update!

however if I have delete input=no enabled it works, but I don´t want that…

Can someone enlighten me ?



any command in Rhino that deletes (part) of the input will break history. I think the best you can do is keeping box A on a different layer and hide that layer after the Boolean operation.

Thanks Gijs,
that´s exactly what I am doing now…
But I do not understand this behavior at all, confusing IMHO

Why should we have to keep a copy of operand A?

At least there should be some kind of warning that boolean history failed.

Is there any documentation describing this shortcoming? When I searched the help files it basically just says boolean history works now…



i agree, playing with that yesterday it was a confusing shortcoming. i ended up hiding the copy.

does it not? it should, it does on mac