BUG BLENDSRF on closed rails

Hi folks,
I’ve found a BIG bug on BlendSrf when you use closed rails and History is enabled.

In the attached file you can see how moving the upper srf gives an error instead of updating the blend.

I’ve tried both with the “Planar section” and without. Both fails but with a different error feedback.

(I didn’t buy
20231211_V8Bug_BlendSrf Closed.3dm (1.2 MB)
the license yet so I’m on TRIAL V 8 SR1
(8.1.23325.13001, 2023-11-21)

Hello- thanks, I think this is this one -
RH-66364 History replay issue with closed edges

I will give it a bump…
Hm, maybe not exactly the same, I’ll make a new bug track item.

It seems to be related to chaining the edges - if the edes are merged before the blend, then History does uodate but makes the mess that is in the bug track item above.

RH-78989 History update mess


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