Bra # Combine 3 Pieces Challenge

Hi I’m trying to execute a design, but I’m facing an issue where the dimensions change when using Control point or Flow along curve.

How can I use all the three parts and combine them as a papare ? I tried to draw a curve for some parts and amend the control point to redesign the model with keep same length of curve but the cuve keep striching and the size is change !!

Is there a correct method to execute the following design ?

the below image shown what the design should be as I used the papres .

Bra.3dm (2.6 MB)

I think I’d model the bra like the paper and then unroll.

the issue, that I can’t keep the correct size since I have a specific size, so If I model it then unroll it it will be different dimension .

That is why I need to combine them using same dimentiones .

If you build it out of single-curved surfaces that can be unrolled, the dimensions should not change (by much,) that is the principle. Note that working with fabric is NOT an exact science, trying to go from 3D to patterns without having to do some trial-and-error is not really going to happen.

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The issue is that I’m restricted by specific dimensions, which are the ones shown below,
Therefore, I can’t design it without using the actual provided dimensions

So what are you trying to do? To replicate your folded paper model starting from the flat patterns? There’s no way to do that. Just make it in 3D and adjust the dimensions until it’s close enough.

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You can try with GH. (28.5 KB)

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May I know the steps to do that .

I plotted segments 1 and 2 on curve A.
I created curves B and C.
I created the surfaces with Loft.
With Unroll I leveled the surfaces and overlapped them with the original ones (white hatching)
Curves B and C can be lengthened, shortened or rotated with the scrollers to obtain the desired result. (54.8 KB)

since you have a paper model already you can remodel it in 3d from that model, just measure a few heights on it and draw an interpolated curve through it

i hope that does not come across rude, bras are not healthy, the skin will strengthen naturally when you let it. a bra is in fact doing the opposite to womans health and is a strange very old relique mostly due to false beliefs and false old statements and maybe some strange traditions. fitting a peg into a square hole never really helped us further… ironically the word never really reached the world, once put into place its like a fossil mistake that you cant get rid off :vulcan_salute: