import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino
import scriptcontext
#copy a block instance in place with new name
filter = rs.filter.instance
id = rs.GetObject('Select block instance to copy in place', filter)
basePt = rs.BlockInstanceInsertPoint(id)
instName = rs.BlockInstanceName(id)
xform = rs.BlockInstanceXform(id)
expObjIds = rs.ExplodeBlockInstance(id)
newName = rs.GetString('New block instance name (current name: {}'.format(instName))
rs.AddBlock(expObjIds, basePt, newName, True)
print 'Added block to document'
print 'Could not add block to document!'
insertedBlockId = rs.InsertBlock(newName, basePt)
print 'New block {} was created and inserted at {}'.format(newName, basePt)
print 'Could not insert new block in model'
The selected block instance is exploded. A new block instance using the objects from the exploded block instance is added to the doc with a new name and original base point. Then it is inserted in the document at the same insertion point.
The script works as expected. But for some reason it is difficult to select and / or zoom to the new selected block. Zooming too close causes it to disappear, as if it’s bounding box were excluded from the current view bounding box in the Display Pipeline. Clicking on it will not select it but a crossing window will.
What do you think is happening?
EDIT: The above only happens if the original block’s base point is NOT at 0,0,0 world origin
Its not clear to me what you are trying to do. But copying a block instance is as simple as copying any other object. For example, run Rhino’s Insert command, to insert a block instance, and then run the Copy command.
Are you trying to copy a block’s (underlying) definition?
I often I create a block, move it to a new location and have to make a new block at that location which is ‘derived’ from the original block (i.e. very similar but with some modifications).
To avoid having to manually explode the block, modify the geometry and then create a new block with a new name and base point, I would like to automate this task with the above script ---- first generate a duplicate with a new name, maintaining the base point, then edit the geometry in block edit.
Sub Main
Const RH_BLOCK = 4096
Dim id, point, name, xform, arr, newname
id = Rhino.GetObject("Select block instance to copy in place", RH_BLOCK)
point = Rhino.BlockInstanceInsertPoint(id)
name = Rhino.BlockInstanceName(id)
xform = Rhino.BlockInstanceXform(id)
arr = Rhino.ExplodeBlockInstance(id)
newname = name & "_new"
Call Rhino.AddBlock(arr, point, newname, True)
Call Rhino.InsertBlock(newname, point)
End Sub
Sub Main
Const RH_BLOCK = 4096
Dim id, point, name, xform, arr, newname
id = Rhino.GetObject("Select block instance to copy in place", RH_BLOCK)
point = Rhino.BlockInstanceInsertPoint(id)
name = Rhino.BlockInstanceName(id)
xform = Rhino.BlockInstanceXform(id)
arr = Rhino.ExplodeBlockInstance(id)
newname = name & "_new"
Call Rhino.AddBlock(arr, point, newname, True)
Call Rhino.InsertBlock(newname, point)
End Sub