I am having a model containing:
814 block instances, 937 curves, 421 polysurfaces, 1 mesh, all around 36.8 MB.
The camera movements are fast, faster than in Rhino5.
But when I get into block edit mode the opposite happens. Everything is very slow sometimes forcing rhino to switch to wireframe mode when I rotate the camera.
Hi Bogdan,
Thanks for letting us know.
This specifically is not a know issue, that I am aware of.
I think we should be diligent and see if I can reproduce it here.
It could be related to display, but I want to see if the issue will follow the model.
36mb is not too big to send our direction.
You can use our upload system and send it mary@mcneel.com.
Let me know specifically what block I should edit by creating a red circle around it or leader.
Thanks for testing Rhino 6 WIP.
Mary Ann Fugier
Hi Bogdan,
The problem was easily duplicated with the file that you provided.
We posted the bug for our developers.
We are tracking it under issue RH-39758.
Because your submitted your file, the bug will not be available for public view.
However, we will notify you here on the Forum when we believe it is fixed and when the issue is ready for testing.
Thanks again for testing the Rhino 6 WIP.
Kind regards,
Mary Ann Fugier