From time to time users bring this subject up with no real answer from Mcneel. For me the best improvement Rhino 6 could offer is a real functioning Bill of Materials that works in excel, that is part of and incorporated into the layouts.
I am positive that other users would at least find this feature desirable.
It’s on my plate - not Peter’s fault… I am slowly getting there in py. BOM is a bit messy to translate, but most are done or in V6 now (Trim > Line, to be specific) Peter recentty reminded me to get on it…
Again no real answer from McNeel…The third party developer could charge as much as a single Rhino seat costs and I bet sales would be great. Personally If I knew script at all I would be working on a BOM plug in that creates a real BOM that is part of layouts and is linked to and updated by the assembled model and can be exported in excel.
I’ve used peters tools and its ok. I use “Table plugin” from Rhino Piping and it is the closest thing to what I have found that gives me what I consider a true BOM but in my opinion needs more work.
I have used autocad, and I have a seat of solid works which is at the current revision level, but I use Rhino 99% of the time because Rhino is easy to use has features that the other don’t, and just works great for 95% of what I need. .
A real BOM as a feature of Rhino would make Rhino perfect
“That would be a good project for a third-party developer.
It isn’t a great one for us to do ourselves.
I seem to recall there are some related tools and ways to do this
through Grasshopper, but I’ve never done it myself.”
Hence the response, Granted a little long in coming but with work, the
holidays, and life I have other things to do other then spend time on
forums. Things have slowed down and decided to review things of
importance to me and this is one of them.
I’m glad its on some ones plate, and I said in the reply if it was a
third party plug in that worked well I would pay as, ridiculous as it
sounds as much as a seat of Rhino. And this is why. My Solid works
cost is north of $6000 and I rarely use it since I use Rhino all the
time. I use Rhino in machine design and some of the files may have
several hundred parts (Blocks) in them. Rhino may not have been meant
to do machine design and, have such large models but it works for me and
I am sure it works for others this way accept for the BOM part.
I also use RhinoCam as well because it works great with Rhino, so cam
is supported well. And if there was an Electrical plug in like
Solidworks has I would buy that as well but that I think would be
expecting too much. Maybe I’m too big of a Fan of Rhino.
Any way an effective functioning BOM is really not to much to expect
considering the wide range of reasons people use Rhino for
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( Profile - RBL - McNeel Forum)
January 5
Again no real answer from McNeel…The third party developer
could charge as much as a single Rhino seat costs and I bet sales would
be great. Personally If I knew script at all I would be working on a BOM
plug in that creates a real BOM that is part of layouts and is linked to
and updated b…
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