Best method extract interior cube from exterior cube leaving shell?

what is best method to extract an interior box e.g. 40 x 30 x 12 made with cube tool from same which is .3cm larger all round ?
to leave a box with wall .3cm thick.
shell seems an obvious choice but its selecting one face.




Hi @phcreates,

Unfortunately Offsetsrf just creates a new box inside the original. To create a void you have to follow it up with:

  1. Select both boxes and run NonManifoldMerge
  2. With the box still selected run CreateRegions
  3. This will regenerate an interior solid, so select that only and delete it.

You now have a hollow box.

However, @Steve1, when you asked this question back in 2015 you went on to say that your 3d printer required a hole between inner and outer surfaces. If that is still the case then the alternative approach of creating the two boxes, then adding a solid cylinder that intersects both inner and outer surfaces and boolean differencing the cylinder and inner box from the outer box will serve better.