Dear McNeel Forum,
I can’t find a solution to recreate the following paper sculpture in Rhino without the individual surfaces changing size when bent. Is there a command that lets me deform the surfaces as if I were bending them like paper/metal in reality?
(I know there is similar topic, but they couldn’t find a solution as far as I know)
24-08-24_Sculpture_modeling_cutting-pattern.3dm (16.8 MB)
Uploading: 2024-08-15_Lampe_Frank-1&2_Hinten.png…
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Uploading: 2024-08-15_Lampe_Frank-1&2_Oben.png…
Uploading: 2024-08-15_Lampe_Frank-1&2_Rechts.png…
Uploading: 2024-08-15_Lampe_Frank-1&2_Vorderansicht.png…
August 24, 2024, 11:05pm
to go from a bended surfaces to a flat one - use _unrollsrf.
for the opposite - from flat to bended there is no command, but the bending can be simulated.
see this topic / post as a starting-point:
Hi @mich.platter
Here’s how this can be simulated in Kangaroo.
Paper can be treated as having uniform bending stiffness in all directions and very little stretch.
Once we’ve made the right mesh, we can pull the vertices of the parts to be glued together.
However, because it starts flat, if we pull them together straight away it tends to crumple, so here I use the ‘grab’ function to start it bending the right way, then increase the strength of the ‘coincident’ goal which glues the ends:
and search for the keyword “developable surface” - on this forum and elsewhere.
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