i’m trying to study with linear analysis a structure made out of box- like panels made out of wood which connect at the sides, the panels will be polygons with 5/6 sides but for now i’m considering rectangles to keep things simple
the way i’m modeling it is by considering the top panel as a shell element and the sides as beam elements (as of now i’m ignoring the bottom panel which would also be a shell element, or could just be considered added weight for the beams which carry it)
if i set the intersection tolerance high enough i can make it so that the beams connect and their faces are aligned; when i consider a beam-beam structure the model works fine
so does a shell-shell structure
the shell-beam structure works but only if the beams are long enough , if i scale everything down the shell does not connect to the beams and they deform in very different ways (i’ve been working in meters and under 2 meters it does not connect)
Then when i try to connect two panels, so four beams and a shell with another four beams and a shell the model looks correct but i get this error message
15:33:17 DE-REFINEMENT: DE-BREP-EL with id 8 does not exist!
15:33:17 Error in InputCarat::set_Design_Refinement
15:33:17 Error while parsing DE-EL -1 resp DE-BREP-EL 8
15:33:17 Error in InputCarat::set_Design_Refinement
15:33:17 Exit!
I have tried to modify the goemetry and the refinements but it always seems as if there is another shell element it cannot find. If it’s not possible i will consider them two separate models (one with beams and one with shells) but it would be nice to keep them together.
14_07.gh (40.9 KB)
14_07.3dm (601.6 KB)
Thank you in advance!