I’m using Grasshopper to create some fillets and I identified what looks to be a fairly simple fillet which was unsuccessful. I know that I can trim away the excess to resolve the issue, but to avoid this error in the future I would love to know why this fillet is failing at 2-3mm. I am getting the same result in Rhino, Why is this fillet unsuccessful? (3DM attached)
Thanks for your thorough reply. I’ve cut this section (the 3dm in my original post) out of a larger model which I unfortunately can’t share here. I am referencing a mesh to make a custom-fit component and rebuild some curves. I have traced back through my grasshopper process and I have identified the source of the 10-degree curve. I used 10 degrees as it gave me the best-looking curve for my needs. Clearly, this is not the correct approach. Would you mind explaining to me why this is so and guiding me on the best practices for a situation like this? Thank you
So does the fillet succeed normally if you rebuild to a more regular degree, eg 3 or 5?
I don’t think investigating just the curve is going to provide much info as to why you get bad trimming tolerances.
Thanks, reducing the degree to 5 has fixed the issue. Thanks so much. I am self-taught and have some holes in my knowledge. I appreciate you taking the time to review my issue. Have a great day