Award Winners!

Fast Company announced the winners of their Innovation by Design Awards. We are pleased to see so many of our clients as part of the winners and the finalists. Names such as fuseproject, NewDealDesign, Dyson, Pensa, Whipsaw, LUNAR, Veryday, Leatherman Tool Group, Navdy, Tactus Technology, Fiskars, Skully, Teague, Rockwell Group, SOM, Sasaki Associates, PriestmanGoode, Svigals + Partners, NBBJ, James Carpenter Design Associates, Michael Maltzan Architecture, IDEO, MIT Senseable City Lab, Joris Laarman Lab …

Details of Fast Company awards finalists …

Something if off with that link it seems.


Fixed… sorry about that.

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The Leatherman Thread is awesome! I need one!

Wonder what the TSA will think of it…