Aviary component can't find Accord.NET

Hi all,

I’m running Rhino 6 with Grasshopper for Windows on a Mac with Parallels. Without having a discussion about why that is, I have a question about Aviary and Accord.NET.

There are a number of components in Aviary that use the Accord.NET framework and none of them work for me. They seem to be looking for a file that doesn’t exist. My question is, what am I missing? I downloaded an Accord exe file from CNet and installed it (it’s v2.8.1). I’ve also looked at getting it through NuGet via MS Visual Studio, although because I’m not installing it for a specific developer project, I can’t really figure out how to do that.

I don’t actually know enough about what a .NET framework is or where it resides, so I’m not sure where to download anything. Can someone walk me through how to get Accord up and running so I can use Aviary?



I think to have the same problem…

  1. Solution exception:Non è stato possibile caricare il file o l’assembly ‘Accord.Imaging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fa1a88e29555ccf7’ o una delle relative dipendenze. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.

Did you find the solution?


A bit late to answer this (I just installed the plugin and had the same issue).
You need to move all of the files that are in the ‘references’ folder into the main folder with the other aviary GHA files.
obviously, you should unblock the zip file prior to installing.
