Avatar on the Splash/About Rhino Screen

I originally had rhino running under my personal license, I now am running it under a company license (same computer) however the Avatar on the Splash/About Rhino screen is still as per my personal license. How do I change it to the company Avatar? The Avatars in the account profiles are different.


Hi Cian - I do not know, but have asked the bigger brains. Juat guessing it may use the account you are logged in on and not the license.


Hi Pascal, on that computer I am logged in under the company account, so Splash/About Rhino Screen shows my personal Avatar with company login/email.


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What happens if you run the Logout command in Rhino and restart?

What version of Rhino are you running?

I think what is happening here is that we’re caching the avatar and not getting a new one when you change accounts. I have a vague memory of this getting fixed in Rhino 7 at some point, but I could be wrong.

Hi Brian,
Used the logout method and it worked.
I’m running Rhino 7.