Hi all,
I am trying to automate a relatively tedious task. Basically, I am envisioning a script where one inputs any solid model, and it returns a new layout with (3) details:
-An isometric view of the input object
-A top section of the object
-A side section of the object
Where I am stuck: see script attached and some images of my current output vs. what my desired output would look like. In the RhinoScriptSyntax framework I am not yet sure how “activate” a specific clipping plane so it only references a specific detail.
I do some variation of this dozens of times a day so any suggestions about how I may better approach automating a task like this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Input (any solid model):
current output:
desired output:
autoLayout-07-01.py (1.2 KB)
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
def auto_layout(objects):
# Construct bounding box
bounding_box = rs.BoundingBox(objects)
box = rs.AddBox(bounding_box)
center_of_box = rs.SurfaceAreaCentroid(box)[0]
box_centroid = rs.AddPoint(center_of_box)
# Delete temporary box
# Construct clipping planes
equator_plane = add_clipping_plane(box_centroid, 180)
prime_meridian_plane = add_clipping_plane(box_centroid, 90)
# Capture views and add to layout
layout = rs.AddLayout("Layout", (17, 11))
if layout:
perspective_view = rs.AddDetail(layout, (0.5, 0.5), (8, 10.5), None, 7)
top_view = rs.AddDetail(layout, (5, 5), (12, 12), None, 1)
rs.DetailScale(top_view, 18, 1)
side_view = rs.AddDetail(layout, (16.7, 11.51), (10.7, -0.5), None, 4)
rs.DetailScale(side_view, 18, 1)
def add_clipping_plane(center, angle):
plane = rs.RotatePlane(rs.MovePlane(rs.WorldXYPlane(), center), angle, (0, -1, 0))
return rs.AddClippingPlane(plane, 5.0, 5.0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
input_objects = rs.GetObjects()
if input_objects: