Automating Layout Creation Using RhinoScriptSyntax

Hi all,

I am trying to automate a relatively tedious task. Basically, I am envisioning a script where one inputs any solid model, and it returns a new layout with (3) details:

            -An isometric view of the input object
            -A top section of the object
            -A side section of the object

Where I am stuck: see script attached and some images of my current output vs. what my desired output would look like. In the RhinoScriptSyntax framework I am not yet sure how “activate” a specific clipping plane so it only references a specific detail.

I do some variation of this dozens of times a day so any suggestions about how I may better approach automating a task like this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Input (any solid model):

current output:

desired output: (1.2 KB)

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino.Geometry as rg

def auto_layout(objects):
    # Construct bounding box
    bounding_box = rs.BoundingBox(objects)
    box = rs.AddBox(bounding_box)
    center_of_box = rs.SurfaceAreaCentroid(box)[0]
    box_centroid = rs.AddPoint(center_of_box)
    # Delete temporary box
    # Construct clipping planes
    equator_plane = add_clipping_plane(box_centroid, 180)
    prime_meridian_plane = add_clipping_plane(box_centroid, 90)
    # Capture views and add to layout
    layout = rs.AddLayout("Layout", (17, 11))
    if layout:
        perspective_view = rs.AddDetail(layout, (0.5, 0.5), (8, 10.5), None, 7)
        top_view = rs.AddDetail(layout, (5, 5), (12, 12), None, 1)
        rs.DetailScale(top_view, 18, 1)
        side_view = rs.AddDetail(layout, (16.7, 11.51), (10.7, -0.5), None, 4)
        rs.DetailScale(side_view, 18, 1)

def add_clipping_plane(center, angle):
    plane = rs.RotatePlane(rs.MovePlane(rs.WorldXYPlane(), center), angle, (0, -1, 0))
    return rs.AddClippingPlane(plane, 5.0, 5.0)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_objects = rs.GetObjects()
    if input_objects:


Streamline Manufacturing: Dynamic Exploded Views and Data Extraction AI Powered (
If you need any serious level of automation with detailed views you can reach out to me at
We also integrate labelling and symbology agents for the drawings in case your drawings are complex, the symbology can be automated aswell
