I’m new to grasshopper and finding my way trough the programming.
I want to use the same structure and just edit the values to create “countertops”.
At this point i can create the model. And it’s a closed polysurface.
Now the next step is to generate a 2D drawing of it, automaticly.
I’m stuck at this point. I can’t figure out how it’s done or how to create it.
Also when i change the model i want it to automaticly change the dimensions aswell.
As arendvw pointed out, you want to turn off preview for some of the components.
Most likely anything but the last few ones.
Depending on whether you are in Rhino 5 or Rhino 6, you can select the components and press space and toggle the preview off or ctrl+middle mouse and do the same, respectively.
Based on that you posted agian, i am assuming, that it is not the desired result.
I have the idea that you are looking for the wireframe of the object, which if the object isn’t extruded can be found like this.
If however the model is extruded, you can use the “Make2D” component, found under Display -> Dimensions
Hi, I see this post is very old but I was wondering if you had found a solution as I’m trying to solve the same problem now. In the hope that you read this message I ask you if you can kindly share the solution, thank you
the “make2D” component is interesting but how can i put automatically into a layout with the technical drawing title block and the quotas/dimensions referring to a view like the one u show me (top). is the some pluging that i dont know or is just more easy and practical doing it without grasshopper? i’m not advanced in grasshopper and would like to understand its potential