Does anyone have a quickie message box script template?
All I would like is a message box, and a title.
such as a message box as follows
Title: Problems in filleting
Then body:
- Seams are in the way of fillet
- Radius is too large for fillet
- Etc…
So basically a quickie script for a message box with a title, and body, that I can then use as a template and make aliases for problems and commands. Then when I have a problem, I just type in a alias such as probFillet, and get some common problems, tell me where to go in my resources, etc…
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
msg="Put your message here"
title="Put your title here"
buttons=0 #display only OK button
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You da man. Say, without me spending a couple days trying to figure it out.
How do you list multiple strings in the box? Or have as string, with enters, or to go to next line(without actually going to next line in scripting)
If I want to list 3 things. Do I need 3 separate strings, or 1 string signifying when to skip line?
You need to add a newline character at each line break in your string. In python, the character for newline is "\n"
mystring="Things are more like they are now \nthan they ever have been before"
print mystring
Things are more like they are now
than they ever have been before