Anemone Holding Onto Data In Loop

I am trying to use Anemone’s loop function to create some geometry by indexing two lists and performing functions on them. However the functions seem to get confused as anemone is somehow holding onto the data and not performing the iteration process then summing it all in the end as I am trying to do.

The goal is to have these two curves be separate. But it ends up merging them in end data because the functions within the loop are somehow holding onto the data being sent through it.

For example this function should only be outputting a single point, but instead it is outputting several points with some being duplicates.

I am really struggling to figure out why this is occurring. Maybe my understanding of the loop process is fundamentally flawed, but either way I could use some help in figuring out what is going on in this case. (39.1 KB)
propeller_fixed.3dm (4.8 MB)

I am sure if you organize the components more readable, you will get a much quicker responses.

This is a NO.

See how they do here.
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