I’ve been using iRhino 3D for years on my Apple devices but would also like to know is there a similar viewer for Android devices this would be great for my Clients.
Arnold C.
I’ve been using iRhino 3D for years on my Apple devices but would also like to know is there a similar viewer for Android devices this would be great for my Clients.
Arnold C.
Sorry, there isn’t.
The iOS viewer was a fairly simple and natural spin-off of the OS X Mac Rhino development process.
We looked at the Android development and it would be a much more difficult development process because of all the supported screen sizes and resolutions; none of which are managed by the operating system. In iOS all of the supported screens and resolutions are built into the development tools.
It would be possible for a third-party Android developer to use our free development tools and write one, but there are no plans for us to do one ourselves.
Thanks for your quick response. I shall continue to view on iOS.
Simlab has a viewer that runs on Android and iOS. Their desktop application is needed to import the Rhino file to make a a viewer file. There is an integration utility for many applications including Rhino, that attemps to make the transfer to the desktop application a bit more transparent.
I don’t work for them but I do use Simlab Composer. I admit, I have not used the viewer but its worth investigating.
Sorta, kinda…
One workaround: Import your .3dm into Fusion, and use the Fusion 360 Android app…
I too am looking for an Android viewer for 3dm files. Does anyone know about this Android viewer on Rhino3D’s resources pages? The page seems to be an approved rhino3D resource but links on that page go to a parked domain. I’ve tried to reach out to the contact, but I’ve received no response to date.
Apologies for the delayed reply.
I do not believe that ThinSlices are continuing to develop their viewer. That resource should probably be removed.
You might try ViewER by AMC Bridge.
It would still be awesome if there was one. In example, with the latest Samsung Note and the Dex which isnt amazing, but still work alright. There could not only be a Rhino Viewer but maybe it would be possible to make slight changes to the model as well. Of course in terms of actually doing it might be impossible or very hard, but I reckon it would make quite a buz around Rhino to be able to work models, to any degree of limitations, from your phone. Might be stupid but just thinking out loud.