Alias for setting view to Plan gives unexpected menu

I set up an alias to switch to my plan view for custom C-planes. However, it does not work the same as when you go into the view drop down menu and select view/ plan. When I select it using the drop down menu it automatically switches to the plan I have selected, but when I use my alias ( ! _SetView _Plan ) it asks me which Coordinate system to use. I think I might have set it up wrong or I am missing something.

Hi Jeremy -

If you have the custom CPlane active in the viewport, running Plan will set the view.
If your custom CPlane is not active, you first have to make that active with -NamedCPlane.

OK, so it is working, but giving me this menu anyway. Any way to keep the coordinate menu from popping up?
Thanks for the help

Hi Jeremy -

As long as you are running SetView, no. But I don’t understand why you are using that command to set the view plan to a CPlane.

When I use -NamedCPlane I get another menu which is actually makes things more confusing. I really struggle with the alias commands for certain things. I have yet to find a place where all of the commands are listed. They say start the command and then hit F1, but I do not see any alias commands, just hints at what they could be. The same goes with my spacemouse commands and pretty much any of the commands you set up manually in Rhino. I wish there was a list of all of these commands in one place.

Sorry if I appear an idiot here Wim. Did I do something wrong with the way I created my alias in the above post? I am just baffled because it seems as if this is supposed to be a cleaner way of doing what I want to do, but I am not getting the result that I was expecting. Do you mind clarifying how I should be doing this? Sorry to be a bother.

Hi Jeremy -

I’m not sure what that means. There aren’t any “alias commands”. Aliases are shortcuts for either regular commands or for “macros”. A macro can set certain options for regular commands, or can chain multiple commands (with their options).

It’s still not clear to me what your workflow is. In your first post, you mention that using the menu to set a view plan to the CPlane works fine. That, to me, sounds like you have somehow set up your CPlane already. At that point, simply running Plan will set the view as you want.

If you need to put a custom CPlane in place first, you either have a list of named custom CPlanes, or you need to create one as part of the macro. I’m not sure which one applies to your case.

If you have a list with named CPlanes, your macro will first run -NamedCPlane. Then you need to add the option from the list that appears. In this case, -Restore. Then you provide the name, e.g. “MyCPlane”, and then end the CPlane command. Then you run the Plan command.
-NamedCPlane Restore MyCPlane EnterEnd Plan
That complete macro can then be assigned to an alias, a toolbar button, or a keyboard shortcut.

Ahhh. Got it. Yes. I have my C-planes already created and active, I just want to switch to it like I do my other views.
Thanks for the clarification.