After baking from Grasshopper, it becomes extremely laggy

Has anyone encountered this issue? After baking from Grasshopper, it becomes extremely laggy when immediately switching to shaded mode. However, if I reopen the baked file and use shaded mode, it is no longer laggy.

I guess your object is a bit more than just a single surface…

Rhino needs to compute the render mesh.

If this is an issue, use the wiremesh mode for quicker drafting and baking.

However, what’s strange is that when I reopen the baked file and use shaded mode, it runs smoothly. It’s quite inconvenient to have to close and reopen the file every time after baking.

Hi Jack -
Please post a .gh file that we can try and the output of the Rhino SystemInfo command.

That might be because the render mesh has already been calculated.

When I upgraded Rhino 8 from SR7 to SR14, the issue was resolved, although I didn’t understand the reason behind it.